"the mother of Fouta"
Designed to provide a reliable and affordable access to clean water in rural areas

"Néné Fouta" has been approved by national authorities for drinking water purposes.
"Néné Fouta" is an improved "rope pump" manufactured 100% locally by ADENN with galvanized material and ball bearings. It is the fruit of 8 years of research by a member of ADED-Suisse. Maximum lift : 30 meters
What we do
Build and install the pump, train beneficiaries how to do maintenance and follow-up.
Robust, effective, cheap to buy, simple to install, the pump can be repaired 100% locally at a small cost!
N°1 : In association with ADENN's manual drilling technology (up to 30 meters and according to ground conditions).
The source of water is protected from external contamination. Water is abundant even during the dry season. Duration of the works : 2 weeks.
N°2 : On top of an existing well
The source of water is protected from contaminations by a slab and children cannot touch the rope anymore.
Please contact us for more information.